Sunday, April 06, 2008


Week Three

Sitting here on the floor between feedings. It's Sunday morning and we're recovering from last night. Gabriel's lungs have developed - so that now when he has an opinion about something...and it seems he's becoming more and more opinionated, he expresses it in a full blown, red-faced, raging screech.

Last night he had lots of those screeches.

This morning though he is sleeping like a baby, arms sprawled out and limp. It must be grandma's magic touch!

This week we took Gabe for his 2-week well visit. He did a great job, pooping and peeing on the nurse and showing off a healthy weight of 10 lb 14 ounces. Good job Gabe!

We also took a couple of excursions this week. We were quite adventurous and went to the aquarium, along with every other child in Japan, apparently. It's vacation time for Japanese kids and it was packed. Oops. Gabe was looking around wide-eyed like what the hell is going on here! I, in the meantime, was feeling like all the Japanese old women were looking at me and thinkin what a bad mommy I was for taking my baby out amongst all these people. (From what I'm told Japanese babies usually stay at home for the first 1-2 months). But anyway, at least is was nice to get out of the house...even when we got to the car and found out the battery was dead!

Grandma and Grandpa leave this week. I am NOT looking forward to their departure. It's been so very very nice to have them around here keeping us company, being warm and loving to their grandson, doing all kinds of nice things around the house. And now, soon, real life will begin.

And the baby is crying and his face is reddening and it's time for me to go...

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