Saturday, April 12, 2008
Pancake House Visit!
Joe and I have been regulars at our local pancake house since it opened in January. The place is amazing with the most beautiful and satisfying pancake confections ever. So, they must have been concerned when I didn't make an appearance there for over three weeks! (Egads!) Yesterday, Joe and I returned bringing our own little flapjack with us. It was a beautiful reunion with smiles and hugs and oohs and ahhs over our new addition to the family. And then they gave us this!

It's just the sweetest and cutest little baby gift, I think. It's a little Japanese boy kimono - "Jinbei" along with the "geta" (the wooden sandels) and "kabuto" the hat. I mean, come on, how amazing is that? Gabe loved it. Just look how excited he is in the pictures they took and put on their website
It's just the sweetest and cutest little baby gift, I think. It's a little Japanese boy kimono - "Jinbei" along with the "geta" (the wooden sandels) and "kabuto" the hat. I mean, come on, how amazing is that? Gabe loved it. Just look how excited he is in the pictures they took and put on their website