Saturday, July 08, 2006
Tie Foon

It's typhoon season here in Okinawa and our first typhoon is headed this way. Work ended early and the bases have locked down. Most of the gates are closed, and entry and exit is restricted. (If you live on base, you're stuck there till the storm passes.) There's an exciting, dangerous-weather feeling in the air and if we had the weather channel here, I'm sure everyone would be glued to it. Instead, we tune into our local AFN deejays for our weather news, and request songs like "Rider On the Storm.
The wind is making scary blustery noises outside now. But, am I warm and cozy inside, hunkering down for the storm with my man? Why no! I am here alone, drinking a beer and writing to you all, 'cause Joe got a duty call for work just as I arrived home. Gosh darn it! Actually, we had planned on going out, braving the storm to dine at my favorite local restaurant, "Mintama". It's the first time in three weeks we were able to get a table. Again, my Mintama cravings - dashed.
Just as well, I've started a pretty intense workout program and should be limiting my caloric intake. The program consists of three kickass workouts a week with about 15 other women and two trainers, one of whom's last name is Rambo. They are very good at what they do; I've spent the last week sore as hell. Today we worked out on the beach, in midst of the wind and rain. Ha! Pretty hardcore, no? At the end of the workout, we were rewarded with a gorgeous full arc of a rainbow.