Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Busy, Busy, Busy
I've been at my job for almost a month now and it's been BUSY!!! I've worked every weekend in the month of January and several long nights during the week. It hasn't bothered me yet, but I'm still in the "honeymoon" phase of the job. The cases that we've worked have been interesting, so I'm sure that helps. To date, I've worked a death scene, 2 Domestic Assaults, 2 Rapes, a child molestation scene, 2 drug cases and an armed robbery. I've also done an undercover Audio/Video Wire operation. And that's just been my first 30 days! I can't imagine what the next 2-3 years are going to hold.
As a side note, as Federal Law Enforcement Officers we're supposed to work additional hours during the week, which is called LEAP (Law Enforcement Availability Pay). For instance, in a typical 40 hour work week, we're supposed to work at additional 10 hours. So theoretically, we're supposed to work 50 hours / week as opposed to a 40 hour work week. In my last job, we scheduled our LEAP during the 8 hour work day, which you could work an hour before work and an hour after work OR 2 hours before or after your scheduled 8 hours. Gosh, that's pretty confusing. Anyhow, the point of all that mumbo, jumbo, is that in a typical month, we're supposed to work approximately 40 "extra" hours a month. With all the extra LEAP hours I've worked in the last month, I won't have to work LEAP for two months. Boy, that was a complicated way of saying that I've worked an ASS LOAD!
I haven't had the chance to take any pictures lately (at least not one's that don't involve a crime scene) so here's few pictures of my sister's dog, Kleo, on our last visit to NM.

As a side note, as Federal Law Enforcement Officers we're supposed to work additional hours during the week, which is called LEAP (Law Enforcement Availability Pay). For instance, in a typical 40 hour work week, we're supposed to work at additional 10 hours. So theoretically, we're supposed to work 50 hours / week as opposed to a 40 hour work week. In my last job, we scheduled our LEAP during the 8 hour work day, which you could work an hour before work and an hour after work OR 2 hours before or after your scheduled 8 hours. Gosh, that's pretty confusing. Anyhow, the point of all that mumbo, jumbo, is that in a typical month, we're supposed to work approximately 40 "extra" hours a month. With all the extra LEAP hours I've worked in the last month, I won't have to work LEAP for two months. Boy, that was a complicated way of saying that I've worked an ASS LOAD!
I haven't had the chance to take any pictures lately (at least not one's that don't involve a crime scene) so here's few pictures of my sister's dog, Kleo, on our last visit to NM.