Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Perfect CD
Today I'm making a CD for my hairdresser. I think I've told many of you how cool she is. She's got a surfboard in her salon for goodness sake. She's got a little yappy dog that hangs out there too. How many doggies do you see in American hair salons? Her music selection makes me drool. An entire wall of the shop is lined with CDs. Usually, she plays loungy samba type stuff or Okinawan music. She even made me an Okinawan music CD. Isn't that nice? So, she deserves a good mix. But as I make the mix I wonder: Do I give her a CD of music she'd like? Of music that I like? Or of classic American stuff? I haven't heard her play any really good American music since I've been going to her. If it's American, should it be old or should it be new? Actually, what am I saying, I've pretty much finished putting together the whole thing. I've got Garth Brooks! Stevie Wonder! Roberta Flack! Doc Watson! Snoop Dogg! Girl better love it!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Take me out to the ball game!
Today Joe and I joined a couple of friends to go see some baseball. The Japanese professional teams come down to Okinawa this time of year to do their spring training. We caught a game between the Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters and the Yokohama Bay Stars. Joe was pretty pumped up about seeing a team with the name of "Ham Fighters", and was more than ready to plunk down 1000s of yen in baseball caps and t-shirts with big 'ole pigs, or at least hamhocks, emblazened across. Unfortunately, there was not a ham to be seen. (Somehow the mascot was a kind of squirrel or chipmunk...with a mohawk). Nevertheless, it was a wonderful afternoon with weather that was just perfect for sprawling out on a blanket on the grass, snoozing under the sun, and watching some ball. Snacks included yakitori sticks, chicken 'n fries, and snowcones. Yum! In the end, guess who won? Our team, the Ham Fighters.
Here's a picture of their mascot, B.B. in some baseball park in mainland Japan.

Here's a picture of their mascot, B.B. in some baseball park in mainland Japan.

Needless to say, I did not agree with the findings of the jury, but in this day and age of CSI: New York/Miami, juries want to see DNA evidence, hair samples, fiber samples, something they've seen on T.V. Unfortunately, a majority of cases don't have forensic evidence and if they did, people usually don't report a crime until weeks to months after the fact.
At least this guy is out of the Marine Corps and hopefully he won't carry his "habit" out into the civilian world. A half victory for the good guys.
Okinawa Marine Found Guilty of Unlawful Barracks Entry
By David Allen, Stars and Stripes
Pacific edition, Sunday, February 25, 2007
CAMP FOSTER, Okinawa — After a three-day court-martial, Marine Cpl. Christopher McKinney was found guilty Friday of two counts of unlawful entry for entering the barracks rooms of a female Marine and was given a bad-conduct discharge.
Full Story
At least this guy is out of the Marine Corps and hopefully he won't carry his "habit" out into the civilian world. A half victory for the good guys.
Okinawa Marine Found Guilty of Unlawful Barracks Entry
By David Allen, Stars and Stripes
Pacific edition, Sunday, February 25, 2007
CAMP FOSTER, Okinawa — After a three-day court-martial, Marine Cpl. Christopher McKinney was found guilty Friday of two counts of unlawful entry for entering the barracks rooms of a female Marine and was given a bad-conduct discharge.
Full Story
Well, I spent the better part of a year doing an investigation on an alleged "serial rapist", the trial began this week and I must say I was disappointed with the outcome. I'll post the article of the results if it comes out, but here's what was recently released from the Stars and Stripes.
Jury to Begin Deliberations in Okinawa Sexual-Assault Trial
By David Allen, Stars and Stripes
Pacific edition, Saturday, February 24, 2007
CAMP FOSTER, Okinawa — Deliberation was to begin Friday in the trial of a Marine corporal who is accused of using a glitch in the programming of magnetized card keys to sneak into the barracks rooms of four female Marines while they slept.
See Full Article
Jury to Begin Deliberations in Okinawa Sexual-Assault Trial
By David Allen, Stars and Stripes
Pacific edition, Saturday, February 24, 2007
CAMP FOSTER, Okinawa — Deliberation was to begin Friday in the trial of a Marine corporal who is accused of using a glitch in the programming of magnetized card keys to sneak into the barracks rooms of four female Marines while they slept.
See Full Article
Thursday, February 22, 2007
It's Gotta Make You Laugh
OK, so I have this sick sense of humor where I LOVE watching people get the living crap scared out of them. I've watched this video tons of times and it still cracks me up. You have to watch the video more than once to really appreciate how freaked the guy gets. ~Joe
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Old pictures!
Here's some cutie-pie pictures of my nephew, Dylan. I'll have to get some of McKenna up here soon too! -K

Happy Birthday Joe!
Today's Joe's birthday! To celebrate his youth, he went on a birthday run around the entire army base! (I'm still in N.C., so I had to pine for him from afar.) Happy Birthday Joe!
Monday, February 05, 2007
The New Seven Wonders
Check out this website where you can cast your vote for the "new" Seven Wonders of the world. Among the wonders under consideration: The Great Wall of China, Macchu Picchu, and the Statue of liberty.