Wednesday, January 10, 2007
What is Muay Thai?
Muay Thai is referred to as "The Science of Eight Limbs", Hands (Fists), Elbows, Shins (Kicks), and Knees are all used extensively in this art. A master practitioner of Muay Thai thus has the ability to execute strikes using eight "points of contact," as opposed to "two points" (fists) in Western boxing and "four points" (fists, feet) used in the primarily sport-oriented forms of martial arts. Muay Thai is an especially versatile, brutal, straightforward martial art.
From Wikipedia
From Wikipedia
Muay Thai Traditions
Before the bout, fighters perform Wai Kru (Respects to the Teacher) AKA Ram Muay (Boxing Dance). All Muay Thai fighters must use the Mongkon (head band), which is worn until completion of the Ram Muay, and the Prajed (Woven Armband). The Prajed contains a small Buddha image and is worn throughout the match. These items are sacred and highly respected, which bestow blessings and protection.
Thai Fight
This was the best fight of the evening, but I filmed the slowest round...
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Girl Fight
These girls can't be older than 12 years old, but they are fighters. The girl in red caught about 3-4 vicious elbows to the temple, look at her swollen face at about 1:05. She came out banging after she felt what happened to her face.
Real Thai Fighter
This guy is a current Champion in Thailand. Here's how a real Thai Fighter trains.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Thailand Visit
Kelly and I just returned from Thailand. We did 5 days of Muay Thai Kickboxing training at Fairtex Pattaya and spent 4 days in Bangkok. I've got a bunch of vidoes I still need to edit and post, but here's a Video with the photographs from our visit (You'll never guess the soundtrack) and a video of Kelly Muay Thai Kickboxing. I'll post more this week.
Photos of Trip
Kelly Muay Thai Kickboxing
Photos of Trip
Kelly Muay Thai Kickboxing